An election is considered as the prime pillar of democracy. Not only for the country, but the election can also be conducted in any case where public opinion matters the most. It is a decision-making process within a group of people sharing similar interests. It gives us power to choose the best leader in every session. It allows people to get a fair chance to work for their country and make a brighter future. This is what democracy stands for. One has the power to replace an undesirable candidate with a suitable nominee in an upcoming voting session.
Every citizen of a country has the duty and right to participate in electing their leader. According to the 1987 Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines Article 5 Section 1 “Voting may be exercised by all citizens of the Philippines who are not otherwise excluded by law, who are at least 18 years old and have resided for at least one year in the Philippines prior to the election in the position where they intend to vote. The exercise of voting shall not be subject to any literacy, land and property or other substantive requirements.” A Voting awareness existed to teach people how to become a responsible voter and how to be wise in choosing a leader. It also helps to encourage people especially youth to register and be part of the upcoming election. As of February 4, 2021, the Commission on Elections (Comelec) registers 1.3 million new voters and explains the purpose of the election observation mission. Awareness is a form of knowledge and prevention. Knowledge in knowing the characteristics of a leader and prevention to avoid the unrighteous politicians. By this campaign you could also help others to be more responsible and wiser in choosing a leader. Election is an organized vote decision, and it is essential to the quality of the governance system of a country, and an awareness allows citizens to have a prosperous and peaceful country.
BeCounted provides an awareness and encourage people about their rights and responsibilities in an election and voting system in the Philippines​
BeCounted: A Voting Awareness Campaign mission is to enlighten people with regards to proper governance system and the characteristics of a leader. To educate, give an awareness and encourage people to register in Commission on Elections and provide assistance in knowing and protecting their rights as a member of society and fulfilling their responsibilities in choosing and electing responsible leaders.
BeCounted: A Voting Awareness Campaign aims to promote a country in which every individual of the society is led and assisted by a responsible and worthy leader. Seek to stimulate a fair and democratic election